College Courses in High School

Partnership with Mesa Community College

  • Legacy/CCAP courses - Beginning sophomore year, students may enroll in one or two Mesa College courses taught on the Kearny campus
  • Fast Track - Beginning junior year, Fast Track students take one course a semester at Mesa College with a wide selection of choices
  • Early graduation - Since most students complete high graduation requirements in fall semester of their senior year, they can elect to attend Mesa College in the spring full-time.

Why dual enrollment programs?

  • Offer a wider assortment of courses to students. Students are exposed to a wider course selection than traditionally offered at a high school. For example, students can enroll in courses such as Astronomy, Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, Music Appreciation, and Philosophy.
  • Promote post-secondary education for a wide variety of students. Unlike advanced courses that target high achieving students, any high school student with counselor approval can enroll in dual enrollment course at local community college courses.
  • Earn college credits prior to graduation, saving time and money. Some students complete the equivalent of the freshmen year of college before graduating high school.
  • Experience authentic college rigor/environment which influences later post-secondary success. College professors cannot distinguish between college and high school students in their courses. Therefore, the high school students in these courses experience authentic college rigor and environment. This early exposure influences later post-secondary success. For underachieving students especially, early success in courses often influences them to pursue further post-secondary studies.
  • A remedy to "senioritis". Dual enrollment programs are often cited as an antidote to senioritis, by providing an incentive for students to achieve their senior year. They must continue to work hard in their courses, since the college coursework is an essential component to the students’ post-secondary plans.


Courses for which dual credit can be earned

 California State University General Education Breadth Requirements: Courses to transfer to the CSU

 The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC): Courses which fulfill lower division requirements at the CSU and most of the UC campuses/majors

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